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Quick Test: Are You Post-Progressive?

Are You A Developmentalist?
Take the Test

Take a 2-minute test of your political developmentalism, and see your “transcendence and inclusion score.”

This simple test asks you to select your level of agreement or disagreement with twelve political statements. The test results will indicate your inclusivity score, your transcendence score, and the overall extent of your developmental perspective.

Worldview Questionnaire

Worldview Questionnaire

What is your worldview? Take this 7-minute test and find out which “values frame” describes you best.

By answering these 17 questions you may learn more about your own worldview, as well as about the worldviews of others.

Character Development Exercise

Character Development Exercise

Become a better person through this brief exercise in character development—create your personal portrait of the good.

Answer 10 questions to create a personalized chart of what matters most to you. This chart—your Portrait of the Good—will be sent to your email address as a pdf file.

Community Comment

“I am grateful for the post-progressive way of thinking. It was totally new to me, and now that I have been exposed to it, I think it is the way forward. It is the future. If there is a way out of this terrible culture war, I think it will be something along these lines. I love the idea of taking the best of the different worldviews and bringing them together into a more inclusive post-progressive worldview. This is a brilliant approach, and I am going to try to share it with as many people who are willing to listen to me as possible.”

– Lucas Chasin

Community Comment

“Progressivism doesn’t work without a foundation of modernism and traditionalism. Post-Progressivism allows modernists and traditionalists to feel significant, to feel needed, and to have a foundational seat at the table. The reason I don’t identify as a progressive, even though I am a vegan, spiritual, conscious, burning man guy, is because I feel its rejection of these previous worldviews …”

– Thomas Waterman

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7 months ago

This guy, Philip Goff, sounds Wilberian to me. Especially in the last 15 minutes, where he talks about why we need to consider that science is not just about what we can observe empirically, but also about what we experience. Or that we need to consider philosophy in addition to science in order to explain consciousness. And that agency, at least in rudimentary form, goes all the way down to particles.

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I am a big fan of Goff. I read his last book and am part way through his new one. This podcast episode with him and Donald Hoffman is excellent: overcast.fm/+BFClwdjiYY

Yeah, Goff is doing a lot to move the Overton Window in academic philosophy to make panpsychism-ish perspectives more intellectually defensible—call it a “post-woo” era. For a long, long time, anything that resisted the default naturalistic framework of Anglo-American analytic philosophy was seen as “out there,” woo-woo. “Metaphysics” was a bad word. The scientistic bent of much analytic philosophy and the pox on master narratives and deconstructive/negative bent of much continental philosophy conspired to box out what I’d call Big Philosophy(a la Big History). For me, this is one reason Wilber was so attractive when I first found his work twenty years ago. But I think the intellectual zeitgeist is finally starting to come around. I suspect it has something to do with how undeniably weird the world has become, and a grudging acceptance on the part of many people that you simply can’t avoid the woo.

7 months ago

Let's welcome our new members!
Souroor Milani,
Eirena Birkenfeld
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Lets welcome our new members!
Souroor Milani,
Eirena Birkenfeld

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Welcome, Souroor and Eirena!

7 months ago

The whole concept of war crimes, which is born out of orange-green is based on mutual agreement between the nations, in order to keep some standards of fighting that keeps civilians out of harm..

If its not mutual it then loses its reason and logic...

The relatively new kind of assymetric wars between modern countries and pre-modern countries/semi countries/ terror organizations has created a new problem that is yet to be solved..

Meanwhile, we get absurd situations like the israeli-palestinian conflict, in which the modern side is restricted by this agreement, and the premodern side is not only not restricted by it , but it also strategicaly uses it as a weapon/sheild against the other side..

How would you suggest to solve this problem?

*One simple thought that i have- if one side has violated the rules, then the agreement is cancelled for this war...i guess it has also some problems i haven't thought through...

maybe there are more sofisticated options to solve it..

Would love to hear your thoughts about this issue..
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The human race has not matured enough to realize war is a crime. What you suggests is unrealistic. There has rarely been a military ac5ion that did not include war crimes on all sides.

The first iterations of rules of war were mutual agreements for each side to take care of their prisoners of war. The rules were not altruistic, they were self interested. Each side had an interest in the other taking care of POWs. The rules evolved from there over time to what we recognize today, as weaponry became more destructive and the desire to respect civilian life became more critical. If you read the rules of war, they included legalistic, relative terms like Reasonable and Indiscriminate and Where Possible. This technically means that you can bomb a school or hospital if it is genuinely being used for a military purpose, although I think the building has to be empty and simply being used as a military base for it to clearly be a legitimate target. The Crime of Aggression or Crimes against Peace are actually crimes, since all the evils of war happen as a result of the war, but the international laws that supports this are not supreme, and leave a lot of room for the victor to control the process.

Interesting question. The solution you suggests sounds like a race to the bottom, though. IMO all parties should be held accountable to the higher level principle by the international community. However, perhaps there are developmental ways to increase adoption of war crimes principles by premodern people (e.g. integrating religious values that emphasize protection of the innocent). And someday war itself may be more widely seen as a crime, as Robert suggests.

8 months ago

What is Eros? ... See MoreSee Less

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I finally listened (3 times - the minimum times I need to collect as much of Steve's wisdom as I can!) - Thanks for posting.

I've listened to the full episode a few times. I highly recommend it. Some of the things I especially appreciated: Steve's phrase, "moral exhaustion," I don't remember his specific context but it feels so true and applies to so much of life these days. Thank goodness that moral exhaustion can be countered - an Integral/post-post progressive/developmental perspective helps a lot. I also appreciated Tim's specific questions about perfection and cultural evolution. Steve's answer to the perfection question was what I expected - but it was good to hear again. People do get tripped up with the word perfection, as if it's a static idea/ideal. Most especially I appreciated Steve's clear statement about decoupling evolution of consciousness and evolution of culture. I heard that in a new way. Thanks all for the good work.

7 months ago

Dear @everyone, it's been an exciting and productive year for our nonprofit organization. We are continuing to make good progress toward our higher purpose, which is to advance the evolution of consciousness and culture in America. We invite you to support our work through a small donation.
* ­We launched The Developmental Politics Project (developmentalpolitics.org/)—an evolving public platform that demonstrates the power of the developmental perspective.
* We launched DepolarizingGPT (depolarizinggpt.org/)—The 3-Answer Political AI Chatbot that encourages the consideration of multiple perspectives.
* We published several substantial articles in the Institute's political magazine, *The Developmentalist *(developmentalist.org/)*.*
* We did several media interviews and appeared on numerous podcasts (www.youtube.com/@PoliticsDevelop).
* The Institute has empowered Steve McIntosh to write another substantial book on integral philosophy, which he is hard at work on now.

­Join us in the crucial work of evolving consciousness and culture in America. As part of your year-end giving, please support the Institute for Cultural Evolution with a tax-deductible donation.

­Donate to the Institute for Cultural Evolution here:


­We wish you a joyous holiday season and a happy new year!
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Dear @everyone, its been an exciting and productive year for our nonprofit organization. We are continuing to make good progress toward our higher purpose, which is to advance the evolution of consciousness and culture in America. We invite you to support our work through a small donation.
* ­We launched The Developmental Politics Project (https://developmentalpolitics.org/)—an evolving public platform that demonstrates the power of the developmental perspective.
* We launched DepolarizingGPT (https://depolarizinggpt.org/)—The 3-Answer Political AI Chatbot that encourages the consideration of multiple perspectives.
* We published several substantial articles in the Institutes political magazine, *The Developmentalist *(https://developmentalist.org/)*.*
* We did several media interviews and appeared on numerous podcasts (https://www.youtube.com/@PoliticsDevelop).
* The Institute has empowered Steve McIntosh to write another substantial book on integral philosophy, which he is hard at work on now.

­Join us in the crucial work of evolving consciousness and culture in America. As part of your year-end giving, please support the Institute for Cultural Evolution with a tax-deductible donation.

­Donate to the Institute for Cultural Evolution here:


­We wish you a joyous holiday season and a happy new year!
7 months ago

# Steve McIntosh Presents His Political AI Chatbot to the Developmental Alliance

Greetings, Developmentalists! During this month’s Developmental Alliance meeting, Steve McIntosh unveiled his 3-answer political AI chatbot—DepolarizingGPT.

In this half-hour presentation, Steve shares what inspired the idea for the chatbot and how he partnered with data scientist and Heterodox Academy Fellow David Rozado to create it. Steve then demonstrates the chatbot, and takes questions from the group.

**Watch Steve’s Presentation here: youtu.be/tRtGYiPXDBQ**

If you haven’t tried DepolarizingGPT yet, we encourage you to check it out here: depolarizinggpt.org/. Here are some tips on how to use it:
* Get its opinion on any political issue. The more specific, the better.
* Ask it to respond to a tweet or a post (approximately 500 words) by copying the text into the prompt box.
* Practice debating an issue with a political opponent.
* Make it do something goofy, like write a song about the border wall.

Learn more about joining the Developmental Alliance here: developmentalist.org/join-the-developmental-alliance/
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7 months ago

Hey, Developmentalists!

As a follow-up to our recent announcement of [DepolarizingGPT](depolarizinggpt.org/), I want to share some of the interesting creative outputs I’m getting from this 3-answer chatbot. I gave DepolarizingGPT, the following prompt:

**“Write a song about the border wall.”**

While using an AI to write a song about a divisive political topic might seem goofy, frivolous, and potentially diminishing to those directly impacted by this culture-war issue, I was surprised to discover that the lyrical output was pretty good. It transformed the “border wall” topic from an intellectual debate into an emotional appeal.


(Left-wing Verse 1)
*In a land of diversity, where dreams are born,*
*A wall stands tall, a symbol of scorn.*
*Dividing families, tearing us apart,*
*Is this the America we hold in our hearts?*

(Left-wing Chorus)
*Tear down the wall, let freedom ring,*
*United we stand, let our voices sing.*
*No more division, no more hate,*
*Together we’ll build a better fate*


(Right-wing Verse 1)
*In a world of chaos and uncertainty,*
*A nation stands strong, with integrity.*
*We build a wall, to protect our land,*
*From those who seek to harm, with an evil hand.*

(Right-wing Chorus)
*Oh, the border wall, a symbol of our might,*
*A testament to our sovereignty, shining bright.*
*We stand united, with our heads held high*
*Protecting our people, as the days go by.*


Unlike the partisan positions in the right-wing and left-wing responses, the Depolarizing response is harder to pin down. The further you get into the song, the more it synthesizes the underlying values of all three major worldviews (Traditional, Modern, and Progressive):

(Depolarizing Verse 1)
*In a land of dreams and hope, where freedom’s song resounds,*
*We seek a path that honors all, where unity abounds.*
*Let’s bridge the gap, find common ground, and build a win-win-win solution,*
*For the border wall debate, let’s foster unity and inclusion.*

(Depolarizing Chorus)
*Oh, let us rise above the fray, and find a way to win,*
*To honor all our values, and let the healing begin.*
*A compromise that synthesizes, the best of all our views,*
*A win-win-win solution, where progress and tradition fuse.*

(Depolarizing Verse 2)
*Respecting law and order, a modernist value strong,*
*But let’s also honor compassion, and right historic wrongs.*
*Invest in border security, with technology and aid,*
*While embracing progressivism, let’s find a better way.*

(Depolarizing Bridge)
*Let’s build bridges, not just walls, to foster understanding,*
*Invest in education, and economic expanding.*
*A comprehensive immigration plan, that’s fair and just for all,*
*Honoring our heritage, while standing strong and tall.*

(Depolarizing Verse 3)
*For traditional values, let’s honor loyalty and pride,*
*But also embrace diversity, with open hearts worldwide.*
*A pathway to citizenship, for those who strive and yearn,*
*To contribute to our nation, and their dreams to brightly burn.*

(Depolarizing Outro)
*In this great land of liberty, let’s find a common ground,*
*Where the border wall debate, can be peacefully unwound.*
*With compromise and understanding, we’ll build a brighter day,*
*A win-win-win solution, where all can have their say.*

Admittedly, these lyrics are a bit cheesy, like the AI generated art we’ve all seen. But I’m still impressed nonetheless. Emotions are a human quality that transcends any political position, which means we can also relate to them within our political opponents, even if they manifest in opposing positions.

Happy Depolarizing!

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Hey, Developmentalists! 

As a follow-up to our recent announcement of [DepolarizingGPT](https://depolarizinggpt.org/), I want to share some of the interesting creative outputs I’m getting from this 3-answer chatbot. I gave DepolarizingGPT, the following prompt:

**“Write a song about the border wall.”**

While using an AI to write a song about a divisive political topic might seem goofy, frivolous, and potentially diminishing to those directly impacted by this culture-war issue, I was surprised to discover that the lyrical output was pretty good. It transformed the “border wall” topic from an intellectual debate into an emotional appeal.


(Left-wing Verse 1)
*In a land of diversity, where dreams are born,*
*A wall stands tall, a symbol of scorn.*
*Dividing families, tearing us apart,*
*Is this the America we hold in our hearts?*

(Left-wing Chorus)
*Tear down the wall, let freedom ring,*
*United we stand, let our voices sing.*
*No more division, no more hate,*
*Together we’ll build a better fate*


(Right-wing Verse 1)
*In a world of chaos and uncertainty,*
*A nation stands strong, with integrity.*
*We build a wall, to protect our land,*
*From those who seek to harm, with an evil hand.*

(Right-wing Chorus)
*Oh, the border wall, a symbol of our might,*
*A testament to our sovereignty, shining bright.*
*We stand united, with our heads held high*
*Protecting our people, as the days go by.*


Unlike the partisan positions in the right-wing and left-wing responses, the Depolarizing response is harder to pin down. The further you get into the song, the more it synthesizes the underlying values of all three major worldviews (Traditional, Modern, and Progressive):

(Depolarizing Verse 1)
*In a land of dreams and hope, where freedom’s song resounds,*
*We seek a path that honors all, where unity abounds.*
*Let’s bridge the gap, find common ground, and build a win-win-win solution,*
*For the border wall debate, let’s foster unity and inclusion.*

(Depolarizing Chorus)
*Oh, let us rise above the fray, and find a way to win,*
*To honor all our values, and let the healing begin.*
*A compromise that synthesizes, the best of all our views,*
*A win-win-win solution, where progress and tradition fuse.*

(Depolarizing Verse 2)
*Respecting law and order, a modernist value strong,*
*But let’s also honor compassion, and right historic wrongs.*
*Invest in border security, with technology and aid,*
*While embracing progressivism, let’s find a better way.*

(Depolarizing Bridge)
*Let’s build bridges, not just walls, to foster understanding,*
*Invest in education, and economic expanding.*
*A comprehensive immigration plan, that’s fair and just for all,*
*Honoring our heritage, while standing strong and tall.*

(Depolarizing Verse 3)
*For traditional values, let’s honor loyalty and pride,*
*But also embrace diversity, with open hearts worldwide.*
*A pathway to citizenship, for those who strive and yearn,*
*To contribute to our nation, and their dreams to brightly burn.*

(Depolarizing Outro)
*In this great land of liberty, let’s find a common ground,*
*Where the border wall debate, can be peacefully unwound.*
*With compromise and understanding, we’ll build a brighter day,*
*A win-win-win solution, where all can have their say.*

Admittedly, these lyrics are a bit cheesy, like the AI generated art we’ve all seen. But I’m still impressed nonetheless. Emotions are a human quality that transcends any political position, which means we can also relate to them within our political opponents, even if they manifest in opposing positions.

Happy Depolarizing!


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That’s soooo cool!

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Community Comment

“I really appreciated the use of gay marriage as an example of win-win-win policy solutions because it shows how people with different approaches to political issues can still align on values. In speaking to my friends about using this value integration technique I realized that it can be helpful to use value as a verb, rather than a noun. When you look at value as a verb, as in ‘what do we all value?’, it really does become possible for traditionalists, modernists, and progressives to value a lot of the same things.”

– Scott Kirby

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