Worldview Questions

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  • Welcome to the worldview-test!

    In each of the following 17 questions you are presented with four statements, which give a different view on the same topic.

    To take the test, simply select the answer you most agree with (or fits you best), and the one you least agree with (or are most opposed to). After selecting your 2 answers, click on the “Next” button on the upper right to go to the next question.

  • 1.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    When I'm forming an opinion on an issue...

    ... I tend to trust my own judgment, feelings, and intuition
    ... I tend to trust scientists and other experts
    ... I tend to trust traditional or religious leaders
    ... I try to honor all perspectives and combine them into a larger whole

  • 2.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    The most important thing in my life is...

    ... to be of service to my family, community, and/or country
    ... to actualize my inner potential and thereby serve the (cultural) evolution of humanity
    ... to do things my own way and forge my own path in life
    ... to be successful and have people recognize my achievements

  • 3.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    I strive for...

    ... a comfortable and fun lifestyle
    ... a sober, simple, and humble lifestyle
    ... a wholesome and natural lifestyle
    ... a diverse and expressive lifestyle

  • 4.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    I feel more like a citizen of the world than a citizen of a country
    Who I am is defined by my social position and/or my achievements
    I feel part of the vast, interconnected whole that is life and the universe
    Who I am is defined by my religion and upbringing

  • 5.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    By mastering nature, the human being can find freedom
    On a deep level, I feel like I am one with nature
    Humans should behave as protectors of creation
    Things in nature are generally more perfect than those made by humans

  • 6.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    Nature has value in and of itself, even if it has no value for humans whatsoever
    People ascribe different values to nature, and all of them are important
    Nature is created by God* and is therefore valuable
    Nature has value because humans are able to use and enjoy it

    * When the term God is used, we do not necessarily mean the Christian God. The word can also refer to the divine, the ultimate, or the Creator (Brahman, Allah, Yahweh, etc.).

  • 7.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    It is very important to me...

    ... to have enough money to have and do nice things
    ... to adapt myself to others and behave appropriately and socially
    ... to be imaginative and express myself in the way I think and live
    ... to explore my inner world so I can live from my 'true' or 'deeper' self

  • 8.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    People look at the world from different perspectives, which are all equally valid
    Reality is complex: it is both scientific and spiritual at the same time
    God* stands far above life on earth
    The universe is governed by mechanical, natural laws

    * When the term God is used, we do not necessarily mean the Christian God. The word can also refer to the divine, the ultimate, or the Creator (Brahman, Allah, Yahweh, etc.).

  • 9.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    Morality, art, and intuition are important for gaining knowledge about the world
    We depend too much on science and not enough on faith
    Science is the ultimate source of trustworthy knowledge
    In order to gain understanding of the world, science needs to be integrated with other forms of knowledge, such as spiritual insight

  • 10.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    For me, to live a good life is ...

    ... to be independent and do whatever I enjoy
    ... to support those who are oppressed and dominated
    ... to offer my unique 'gifts' to the larger whole of life
    ... to respect the tradition and honor my community

  • 11.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    How life originated is still unclear, despite what science and religion say about it
    I see the universe as a creative expression of an evolving consciousness or 'Spirit'
    Life was brought about through biological evolution (not steered by a higher power)
    Life was miraculously created by a higher power

  • 12.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    Science and technology can make beneficial contributions when society is actively engaged with technological developments
    Science and technology are often corrupted by special interests, e.g., of big corporations
    Science and technology are definitely making our lives healthier, easier, and more comfortable
    One of the negative effects of science and technology is that they break down people's ideas of right and wrong

  • 13.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    Interfering with nature is risky because it may be too complex for us to understand
    When it comes to interfering with nature, mankind has no right to play God
    Humans can improve on nature
    Aware of their deep connectedness, humans and nature can work together in mutually enhancing ways.

  • 14.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    I use the pain and suffering in my life as opportunities for inner growth
    The suffering that happens to people does not have meaning but is random
    The suffering in the world is created and maintained by existing power structures
    The suffering that happens to people is the will of God

  • 15.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    I don't know what happens to us after we die
    In an afterlife we will be punished or rewarded for our actions in this life
    I don't believe in an afterlife of any form
    I believe that the evolution of our consciousness continues after our death

  • 16.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    Each individual needs to sacrifice his/her desires to serve the community and society at large
    Everybody needs to take care of, and stand up for, oneself
    Society should offer decent care for every individual
    When individuals thrive and blossom, they naturally start working for a better world for all

  • 17.   Please select the item you most agree with, and the one you least agree with.

    In society...

    ... we should have greater respect for religious authority and tradition
    ... we should place more emphasis on inner growth and self-actualization
    ... we should place more emphasis on art, culture, and moral development
    ... we should place more emphasis on science and technology

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Worldview Questionnaire

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