In February, we began our two-month consideration of the social norm of spiritual pluralism with a talk from Steve. This month, on March 12, we’ll further discuss this vital subject through two breakout sessions, followed by group dialogue. For the first of these two breakout sessions (7 participants in each breakout), we’ll explore Steve’s proposed elements for post-postmodern spiritual pluralism:
- Welcome and honor the best of all three lines of spiritual culture (religious, secular, and progressive)
- Acknowledge and resist the respective pathologies of each line
- Practice epistemic humility
- Know the difference between your belief system and established facts
- Affirm the interior universe, value realism, and the universe’s purposiveness
- Work to bridge dialectical differences through support and challenge
Please give these six ideas some further thought prior to our meeting. If you were not able to attend last month’s meeting live, please watch the video of Steve’s talk before joining us on March 12, beginning at 5:00 PM Mountain Time. Here is the link to that YouTube video:
Join Steve McIntosh’s Zoom group here: